YourJustice WhitePaper

An Abstract

YourJustice is a decentralized social network for people, communities, organizations, and countries. Here, anyone can create a jurisdiction with their own values, rules, laws, and economies, or join an existing one.

YJ helps you find like-minded people or a community with values that fit you, build more transparent economic relationships, increase safety in communities, avoid conflicts and cooperate faster and more efficiently.

Jurisdictions' compliance is ensured through a decentralized evaluation and judicial system. In addition, each jurisdiction will be able to create its own ratings, and people will be free to choose which jurisdiction they belong to.

Competition between jurisdictions is ensured by the basic Humanity environment, which grants each individual a set of inalienable rights.

All public institutions on the platform are described in the elegant markup language YJML. It allows the formation of social institutions that are understandable to both an ordinary human using them and a machine executing them.

YJ is also suitable for modeling and testing legislation and litigation, can serve as a training platform for aspiring lawyers, and as a service facility for professionals.

YourJustice's mission is to change the rules of the game so that they are better for every living person. What those rules will be - that is for you, dear reader, to decide.

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